The Motivotional

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Make ThE MOVO Better

Add What You Have

The MOVO is some of the best stuff I have to share. I think it can be better. 

Add what you have to what I’ve done 

= Mo-Better.


I’ve hoped someone would ask me what I though about their stuff. 

So, I’m asking you!


I’ve dreamt about collaborating on other peoples stuff. 

Want to?


I created the MOVO to share my best stuff? 

What do you have to add?

An Invitation To Collaboration

"Who would cross the bridge of death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see."

As You Enter The MOVO, Consider These Questions Three…

  1. Are you open to collaboration?
  2. Are you open to instigation?
  3. Are you open to individualization? 


By openess I mean are you ready to insert yourself in the story or the idea presented?

 For example, in the Holy Grail, King Arthur was not afraid to answer the questions three, even as he stood at the bridge of death over the chasm or ultimate peril. Link To Arthur  

Open to Collaborate means to show your face and share yourself on video, with me. Yup, I want to talk about how (our topic) plays out in your life. Perhaps I’ll talk with you about your take or stuff. I’m open.

Open to Instigation means to engage what is irresistible and share what is irrepressible.   


Open to Individualization means examining, embracing and expressing Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Or, you can pass on the invitation and click-past the questions. Nothing but love here for pre-mystics.


Confessions Of A Worship Leader

For about 30 years, I led worship somewhere, at least twice a week; these are my confessions. Let’s start where I stopped. I was in my late 40’s at a church that had grown from about 600 to 2500 people and recently completed a

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Tossing Out Tropes & Trademarks

During one of his specials Dave Chappelle tossed out a modifier, “…and those Tropes,” I had to look it up. A figure of speech, or a Cliche. Tropes are typically self-defined but seldom specifically-applied. In a similar manner Trademarks are easy to recognize but

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Merging Your Day-Game & Endgame.

The Endgame: “To enjoy life together, forever.” Your Day-game: “To work where you want.” This is the “AI” feature of the Endgame. “AI” being Always Is and also “IA” or Isn’t All. Here is an example of the AI feature. Your job, your vocation,

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The Happiest Thought Of My Life

Albert Einstein said this was the happiest thought of his life: “If a person fell from the roof of his house, he would not feel his own weight.” That thought led to him to create the theory of general relativity. My happiest thought is:

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The Leader And The Believer

The leaders-leader sat back in his chair and looked across at the believer. “In all my years I’ve only been asked that question, to my face, by a few people. And every time I’ve drawn a blank. I don’t know how to answer for God, that’s something you need to ask him.”

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Random Acts Of Copy

This is where I stash random copy that might be useful, or might not. I typically don’t like to delete written stuff that has some zing or might ring true in another situation.

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How To Configure For 5G

After my first 50 years as a believer, I began to wonder, why isn’t cultural Christianity setup for 5G? The infrastructure is in place… The market is wide open… The resources are plentiful… The people are amenable… Most crucially, Christ is available. 

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Solve For What And You’ll Know Why

That thought sparked an idea about how to solve one of the most pondered and perplexing dilemmas in life: Why am I here? And that idea and solution continues to be a source of great and enduring happiness in my life.      More

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